“I Wanna Rock” is a Paramount+ three-part documentary series that follows five young dreamers chasing stardom in the cutthroat world of 80s metal. Some will succeed, some will fail, but each will make you see an entirely new side of the metal genre.
A Gunpowder & Sky Production.
Executive Produced by Rick Krim
“The end product is fun and enjoyable but also relatable and rather touching.” - Decider
“Instead of only telling the stories of booze and drugs and destroying hotel rooms, the program instead focuses on not just the people who lived through it, but those who were wronged by the short nature of the metal craze and who survived to talk about it.” - Forbes
“It turns out what many may assume is I Wanna Rock‘s biggest weakness is truly its biggest strength — without more well-known names like Vince Neil and Axl Rose, the docuseries is spared a lot of still inflated egos, and is able to stab at deeper truths.” 4 of 5 stars - Giant Freaking Robot